Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to my customers. Whether you just had me out for an estimate or gave me the job, I enjoyed meeting so many this year. As my brother-in-law says about his business, “I have the best customers!” The only headaches this year were a few 95F/90% humidity days, a stuck tree that took all my coaxing to come down, and a split pair of pants. With a business that focuses on small trees, what suffered most was the wedges.
2016 Annual Report
- Animals Rescued: 2 baby squirrels (Thank you, Wildlife Welfare)
- Lost Tools: 1 Silky handsaw
- Vehicles Stuck In Mud: 1
- Vehicle Tire Flats: 1, shredded on Dogwood stump
- Shovel Handles Broken: 3
- Dogs Met: 4, only 1 hostile
- Tyvek Suits Worn: 1, severe poison ivy on tree
- Favorite Job: Mulberry Removal
- Toughest Job: Hickory hung up in an Elm and a Magnolia. Save the Magnolia.
- Furthest Job Location: Middlesex, NC
- Most Shrubs Removed on One Job: 21
- Hardest Plant ID: Ternstroemia gymnanthera. Great plant, I recommend using it where conditions permit.